Thursday, January 10, 2008

For my librarian friends

Visited some great libraries on this this journey.

One of the best was in Shimla at a former palace where the Declaration of Independence was discussed prior to signing in 1947, and now an Advanced Institute for Asian social and political studies. Visiting researchers stay at the Institute and the library is located over about a third of the ground floor covering the former ballroom and dining room.

Being a librarian got me entry to what is usually off limits to tourists. The collection was great and the location of course, very special and well taken care of.

Another really interesting library was at Swami Ram Dev Ashram outside Haridwar. This is a very modern library but the librarian showed me some very old editions of the RgVeda, Upanishads and translations by H H Wilson. Interestingly because the collection has a major ayurvedic focus, they have had to create Local Call Numbers based on Dewey, such as 61A to cover their titles adequately.

Gotta go, train's coming...

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