Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I have had a great few days here on the coast of Chile an hour and a bit north of Santiago.

Visited Vina del Mar a few days ago. It´s a resort just north of Valparaiso - which is more of a port town. Gorgeous weather (you can tell I´ve been spending time with the Irish again!) I even had my swimming cossie out.

Met the 2 lovely Irish women on my first night at the hostel and we´ve spent plenty of time out eating and sampling Chilean wine and meeting some great people.

Yesterday we visited the fabulous and fantastic house of Pablo Neruda, Chile´s Nobel Prize winning poet. You can imagine just looking at the curves and juxtapositions and windows, how wonderful it is inside!

And that´s Dan with Laura a couple of nights ago.
That´s also when we met Selina, an American of South Indian origin studying medicine and on her way to work in Kenya for a year, and who´d picked up bedbugs in Santiago and brought them to the coast only to get chucked out of her hostal when she told the owner!

Have to admit I´ve been waiting for those critters to turn up somewhere and kind of glad we´re staying different places!

Well, gotta go pack - it´s blue lagoons and white sandy beaches for me tonight! Tahiti the next stop. Hope I get to eat breadfruit soon!

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