Spent a couple of hours at the airport, but this is what I spent my time enjoying...
It's not just the views either, the atmosphere here is delightful

Flew on to Flores in the Peten, the lowland jungle in the north of the country which is the location of many Mayan cities. This is what greeeted me from the hotel balcony, Lake Peten Itza. It's also the view from my balcony...

And as these things go, in the middle of my after-breakfast stroll to explore the island of Flores, I somehow ended up going to visit the Mayan ruins at Yakja, some 80 kms away and as I discovered on my return to Flores - the site of Survivor 2005 - with Miguel, a prosecutor from Bogota in Columbia on his first ever holiday by himself! I think he must have been de-stressing. He translated Spanish into French for me, I got the gist of about half of it but what an interesting day.

My first sight of Mayan civilisation and in the twin-pyramid structures peculiar to Tikal (the more famous site) and Yaxja.
Looking forward to tomorrow's adventure: who knows where that will take me!
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