Day three in Jordan and the first thing that springs to mind is just how welcoming and pleasant the people of Jordan are. And the food is yummy - lots of lettuce, Laura! and of course tasty tomatoes, and cool cucumbers and oh my, the olives! Now you know just how good I'm feeling; inspired to alliterate.
So started a week-long tour yesterday - there's 3 of us - Susan and Lucy are from Hong Kong, although Lucy was raised in Manchester and is currently working in Zurich - her accent is like a lazy intro to the broad Bradfordese that's soon to hit my eardrums (better check they're in working order). Hey Lizzie - can't wait to see you Sunshine!
Speaking of eardrums, Susan goes regularly to Hyderabad, site of the infamous ear wax experience, to work. She's now living in San Francisco so has given me some good info for NYC. So I am enjoying their company. We also have a tour escort/driver, Mazen, who lived for 10 years in the US - he's really helpful with knowledge on Dead Sea mud baths and US visas. Can't wait for the Dead Sea.

Yesterday we visited Jerash, which was part of my own plans pre-tour enquiry.
We also went to Umm Qais, overlooking the Sea of Galilee with the Golan Heights and Syria in the distance...

...and the Crusader Castle at Aljoun. Really enjoyed that.
Well off to more adventures; think it's going to get hotter as we head towards Desert Castles today; so far it's been coolish. And as I write about temperature and think of India, in one of those coincidences that make life such fun, an Indian tour group sitting in the hotel lounge nearby have just burst into kirtan mode and they're singing Kasey's favourite Sanskrit piece sung every day by the sisters at Brahma Vidya ashram.
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