I had the most marvellous late afternoon/early evening on my last night in Kolkata, at the RamaKrishna Mission. It was so peaceful, so spiritual, and there were many Indian people there, enjoying the grounds set beside the Hooghly River, as well as visiting the temple and shrines for Sri RamaKrishna, the Holy Mother and Swami Vivekananda. Even my taxi driver was really happy to go there - it's about 10k on the other side of the Hooghly from the centre of Kolkata where I stay - and he asked me if he could wait for me!
This was the perfect ending to the yatra for me. It felt as though I was 'rediscovering' Vedanta after more than a month or two of wandering around Buddhism.
So now I'm off to spend some time with Islam. I decided to book a tour for the week I'm in Jordan. After Myanmar, I just didn't feel up to decision-making and organising myself, aside from my body not being in the best of shape right now. I slid down the steps of the hotel during the cyclone and hurt my back and seem to have strained my stomach muscles somewhat. So this should make my travels easy and relaxing.
Cannot wait to spend some time under a desert sky, visiting Petra and Desert Castles and bedouin camps.