Hired a bike on my last day in Pondichery - I thought afterwards, thank God it was Sunday and all was relatively 'quiet' on the roads (it's India - it will never be quiet!). What was I thinking?? I survived but how I don't know! Indian traffic just goes any which way; even the bus I was on today followed another onto the outside lane of the oncoming traffic on the highway so it could turnoff and then rejoin the highway by taking the off-ramp.
I travelled to Tiruvannamalai, where Sri Ramana Maharshi ashram is. This is a Shiva town, and it's overlooked by Mt Arunchala- a fire mountain which pilgrims cirumnavigate on the full moon which is tonight. Had to leave today because all accommodation was full with pilgrim bookings.
Sri Ramana meditated in 2 of the mountain's caves and I set off at 5.30am yesterday for the 4-hour return climb of the mountain.
Met a group of Americans and Indians who live here at the base and we climbed the mountain and then spent the day together.
Sri Ramana meditated in 2 of the mountain's caves and I set off at 5.30am yesterday for the 4-hour return climb of the mountain.

Sunrise over Tiruvannamalai
One of the Indians in our group described this view of the mountain on our way up as the dancing Shiva - can you see his raised left foot?
In the afternoon we went to a satsang at Werner's - a longtime Swiss disciple of Amma who spent seven of those years living underground before he realised God-conciousness. It was a great privilege for me to be part of this.
And now I've decided to have a little rest at the beach - still in Tamil Nadu at Mamallapuram. Arrived after a 3-hour bus journey which wasn't far as the crow flies, but took about 4 hours. I'm staying at the Siva guest house - couldn't resist it - just up from the beach.

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