Well that´s not quite right but the 2 couples I´ve been doing things with in the last 24 hours (Australians I travelled with on the bus and Americans here in Trujillo on a visit to pre-Inca ruins), bickered away and I thought thank God I have only me to please, coz I can do without that. (The second reason really was that I thought maybe I didn´t have enough time to go both to Chiclayo and Trujillo).

Checked my flights while I was on the bus last night and what do you know - in fact I go a day earlier than I thought! Well the plane goes at 1am which is very confusing for a woman who has to backtrack to August 10, a Sunday when I left the US, to work out just what day of the week and what date it is!
My last day in Ecuador I spent in Guyaquil. There´s a park there full of iguanas!